
Length of Program

LiFT is a 5-hour interactive workshop for adolescents and their parenting adult. The program can be delivered as one 5-hour session (6 hours with breaks), or divided into two 3-hour sessions.

Program Elements

The LiFT program comes with materials and resources needed for effective implementation. The program package includes a Facilitator Curriculum, Program Manual, and Adult and Youth Guides. All LiFT facilitators are highly encouraged to participate in the LiFT in-person Training of Facilitators (TOF). For more information on LiFT trainings see the Trainings & TA tab.


Lift requires two facilitators.

The Youth Facilitator facilitates the Youth Modules and some Together Times. This person should have more expertise and comfort working with adults and parents/caregivers.

The Adult Facilitator facilitates the Adult Modules, some Together Times, and the Booster Call.  This person should have more expertise and comfort working with youth and providing sex education.

Both facilitators will work together to help adults and youth integrate tier learning during the Together Times. One or two additional support staff are also suggested to help with logistical support for set-up, greeting participants, meal preparation, Together Times and closing.

Implementation Requirements

LiFT requires an implementation site with at least two separate rooms. During the workshop participants will be divided into two groups in different rooms. One of the rooms should be large enough to accommodate all participants for group activities. Implementations have taken place in schools, community-based organizations, and other locations.