Trivia anyone?
So you know what STIs are but can you name any of the common STIs in the US? Better yet, do you know which ones can be cured or how to avoid transmitting them? (Cue the Jeopardy theme…)
You trivia rock star, you! You’re here because you want to teach people STIs and HIV are all a normal part of life for sexually active people.
**This course is eligible for 4 AASECT credits**
So you consider yourself a change driver? You want to remove the stigma and shame associated with STIs and HIV? Start simple; learn to teach young people how to have these conversations. Guide them through the heart-to-hearts with their partners, teach them the questions to ask, the words to use, and the steps to take to help these conversations take place – until they become everyday conversations.
Beyond the conversation
We’ll focus on how to normalize prevention, testing, and treatment – making it a routine part of health and self-care. You’ll learn how to do it all without judgement, with a teacher’s heart, impassioned to change every day thinking.
That’s a lot.
It is. Don’t worry, we’ll talk you through everything you need to know and we’ll double check along the way.
What happens now?
You learn to:
- Explain about common STIs in the United States
- Identify who is most impacted by common STIs, and why
- Identify causes and impacts of disparities in HIV in the United States
- Identify impacts of stigma on STI and HIV prevention, transmission, prevalence, and treatment
- Explain that prevention, testing and treatment of STIs and HIV is a routine part of taking care of one‘s sexual health
- Explain how STIs and HIV are transmitted and describe how to prevent transmission
- Recognize eradication of shame and stigma as a primary goal of STI and HIV education
- Describe how to teach free from judgement, shame, and stigma
For more information, please contact [email protected].